Sketching and Rendering
Fine Art | Sketching Classes in Delhi | Sketching Courses | 3D Rendering Institute
Course Description: Sketching and Rendering is a course which introduces students to the visual language of sketching through observation and rendering a realistic image , this course will cover color theory and figure drawing. Each student develops observation skills rooted in traditional drawing media while striving to develop critical thinking and research skills.The general progression of the course starts with foundations and then moves toward touching more specific topic, also the course starts with sketching from other drawing, then sketching from photographs, and finally sketching from observation (2D to 2D Vs 3D to 2D). An essential to improving sketching skills is Practice! Some of the practice sessions will be held in outdoor location for observation sketching such as the garden.
Time capsule assignment : On the first day of class you will pick an image of your choice and draw it, and at the end of the course you will draw the exact same image and see how much you have improved.
Course Objectives
- The majority of professional sketch artists work as freelancer
- Talented artists may even have their art work show in galleries or museums.
- Aspiring courtroom sketch artist will usually need to create several sketches of courtroom trails that do not allow camera’s these sketches may then be purchased by newspaper , magazines and possibly historical museums
- Students can pursue further studies in fashion design, pattern making , photography, fashion stylist etc.
- Improve observation drawing skills
- Improved hand eye coordination and attention to visual details
- Spatially oriented thinking and documentation
- Convey 3D ideas into spatially logical 2D visualizations
- Visually express thoughts, ideas, and prototypes
- Experience drawing whatever you are interested in (still lifes, animals , building, portraits ,etc)
- Understand basic design principles